Monday, 3 July 2023

4. Referencing Like a Pro!

So a very short post today on referencing - the landlords essential tool to check your prospective tenant/contract holder.

Rather than use the cheapest of the cheap with referencing I advise going for a quality reference - which with this firm opens up the door for a rent warranty at the crazy low price of £10 per month.

If you go this rote then it adds a professional level at the start with your contract holders and as a Barefoot Landlord subscriber you will get £10 off the already low priced warranty. If the tenant/contract holder is 14 days late with the rent the warranty will pay you for a year while you sort the situation.

Just think, you really are not worried if the rent is not being paid as you will still keep receiving it, will that take some pressure off you as a landlord?

Follow this link to the referencing and warranty -  

and quote 110911 to get the warranty discount.

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