Thursday, 13 July 2023

Regaining Possession in Wales - no small task

So when all else fails and the contract holder does not cooperate and there's nowhere else to go we end up in a possession case in the courts.

So the first thing we do is check if we have all our ducks in a row before even thinking about notices etc.

  • Rent Smart Wales registration correct - names etc
  • Rent Smart Wales licensing correct - agent or personal?
  • Is the deposit protected and was it protected properly from the start? 
  • If we had an assured shorthold tenancy with the tenants was a written statement of conversion served?
  • Do we have a renewal contract?
  • Has a notice already been served and not used?
  • Is there an EICR, Gas safety, EPC
  • Has a tenants guide been served?
  • Are the smoke detectors installed?
  • I there a Co detector at the property?
  • Can we prove that all the above have been received by the contract holder?

So at the barefoot landlord we provide a set up service to get the case ready to move forward at a cost of a cup of coffee in order that you can move forward to the next stage with confidence and full knowledge of your case.

Most of the above can be remedied late but will attract fines as they are being remedied. But then we can progress to notice service. Do we serve -
  • RHW16
  • RHW20
  • RHW38
We have a relationship with possession specialists who can take the case forward once it has been packaged and at set charges. They can serve notices, take court action for possession, instruct bailiffs including High Court bailiffs, and chase any debts involved with the case afterwards for the landlord. 

Let hope in the future your lettings do not have to go down this road but it's possible that some existing contracts have to be ended and then using the systems on this blog a new relationship can be fostered with your new contract holders.

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